Custodians of locomotives No 3 "Bodiam" and No 2678

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32650 Overhaul Update

Liam Treveil has provided some photographs and a list summarising the works completed so far on 32650 at the Spa Valley Railway:

New cylinder block purchased, machined to 13" bore and fitted

New frame stretcher below cab floor

New cab and bunker floor

New bunker built to IOW specifiation

Nearly completely new tanks and shrouds

Large quantity of platework let into cab

Repinned and bushed brake gear now fully fitted and tested

Axleboxes white metalled, machined fitted and engine re-wheeled

Spring hangers rebushed and pinned along with refurbished springs

Rebushed and pinned cylinder cock linkage and fitted

Wheels sent to South Devon Railway to have tires turned

Eccentric sheaves white metalled and currently being machined

Lifting links rebushed and trial fitted with expansion links

Valve spindle guide white metalled, machined and fitted to motion bracket

New coupling rod bushes machined and fitted

New little ends machined and fitted to connecting rods

Rebushed and pinned reverser reach rod now fitted

Slide bar slippers white metalled and awaiting machining

New steam heat and vacuum pipe runs fitted

New Westinghouse pump being machined/sourced plus air tank pressure tested

New smoke box saddle casting ready to be cast in conjunction with other railways

Boiler has been inspected placed onto a flat wagon and preliminary work undertaken to remove platework

Frames shot blasted

New ashpan fabricated

New blastpipe cap


32650 Spa 2019

11990589 693665317436770 3798257610363174091 n

44194866 1399945150142113 2048588632985436160 n